Wednesday, April 5, 2017

                          PARALLEL TALLYING CENTER 

Parallel tallying centre is not a new political terminology in such processes,so allow this information to sink.Kenyans,Raila Odanga being one of them,have least if no confidence in the current institutions especially #IEBC.Some of the actions by the gvt doesn't inspire confidence but instilling fear and sense of "Executive Dictatorship".This points to a paranoid institution out of touch with the concerns of Kenyans.

They came to power seeing shadows everywhere,pathetically sensitive to any criticism.Rather than address concerns raised by Kenyans in regards improving the way institutions are run, they have bastardise these concerns and we are currently dealing with an extremely intolerant leadership which "Rules By Law" rather than "Rule Of Law". So for any government that cannot build strong institutions devoid of executive influence and interference got no business running any government anywhere.

ODM leader Raila Odinga,who is also the former PM while addressing his party followers in Kibra said “IEBC will announce their results and we as NASA will announce ours from our tallying center for comparison,We will not accept fake results,” but the Chairman of IEBC Mr.Wafula Chebukati maintains that only the IEBC has the mandate to tally election results warning that the commission will work with other relevant government agencies to ensure that anyone who contravenes the law is brought to book.

One former insider of the Jubilee house who claims to have the recipe of how jubilee worked it in their Tallying Centre kitchen,is now throwing spanner into the works.One Onyango Oloo has come to the defense of the opposition coalition, NASA,move to set-up a parallel tallying center during the August elections.The former TNA Secretary General,now vying on an ODM ticket for the Kisumu Central MP seat,accused Jubilee Party of double-speak claiming they had a parallel tallying center during the 2013 general elections.​

IEBC have made a date with the NASA principles to iron out sticky issues on this Parallel Tallying Centre.But the bottom line is,the constitution outlines the mandate of the IEBC Very well.

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