Saturday, January 9, 2016

Man who claimed to be Jesus arrested over alleged plot to kidnap Obama's dog

Barack Obama playing with one of his pet dogs.
Barack Obama playing with one of his pet dogs. Credit: Reuters
A man who claimed to be Jesus has been arrested over an alleged plot to kidnap one of the Barack Obama's dogs, police said.
Scott Stockert, who also claims he is the son of John F Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, was arrested after Secret Service agents were alerted to the possible kidnap.
They then found unregistered firearms, hundreds of rounds of ammunition and other weapons in his truck.

President Barack Obama runs with 'First Dog' Bo
President Barack Obama runs with 'First Dog' Bo Credit: Reuters
According to NBC News, Stockert was stopped at a Hampton Inn near the Washington Convention Centre.
He told the agents that he planned to go to the United States Capitol in Washington DC to campaign for $99-a-month healthcare, and to announce that he would be running for president.
A court document reveals he told agents his parents were the former president and Hollywood star, and mentions his alleged plan to take one of the Obama family's two dogs.
Pictures in 2009, the Obama family take Bo for a walk
First Lady Michelle Obama with First Dogs Bo and Sunny
First Lady Michelle Obama with First Dogs Bo and Sunny Credit: Reuters 

The President and his family own two Portuguese water dogs, Bo and Sunny.
In Stockert's trunk, agents said they found an unloaded 12-gauge pump shotgun and a bolt-action rifle, as well as 289 rounds of .22-caliber long-rifle bullets, 71 rounds of 12-gauge shotgun ammunition and two rounds of .223 rifle ammunition.
A machete with a 12-inch blade and an 18-inch bully club were also seized.
The court document also states that while he was being transported, he told officers that he was Jesus Christ, and said his claim would be backed up by his driver's licence - which identified him as Scott Stockert.
He allegedly warned them: "You picked the wrong person to mess with. I will [expletive] your world up."

Via ITV.

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