Friday, January 8, 2016


Greetings to you Mr.Shahbal,

I write this letter with great heaviness in my heart,
In the year 2013, you stood as a great beacon of hope to those who believed in your slogan 'Change is coming to Mombasa'. We stood by you and voted for you with those we could reach to the best of our ability.
Mr. Shahbal, it disheartens me that a you as a person of high business acumen and pristine academic record (2 Master degrees) and conviction for change as you do can utter such words that potentially could lead to disunity and strife in the society.
Mr. Shahbal, you do not have to be the same as your opponents to win the elections, you however need to win our hearts. Being different is what makes us better.
Mr. Shahbal, as a bonafide citizen and stakeholder of this nation and county, I demand that you apologise for the utterances which you made in Kilifi County in the presence of Deputy President H.E William Ruto. We cannot as citizens allow such conduct and give you a pat on the back. We will vote on principle and with people who stand for a just an equivalent society. Wataka kuniambia mimi leo nikiamua kusimama gavana sitoshinda kwa sababu utaiba kura zetu?
Prezo Abdallah Via Facebook [Mombasa Youth Senate].

This is what people had to say
Prezzo Abdallah's photo.
Mohammed Salim Mohammed
Mohammed Salim Mohammed You are on point bro, assuming it truly disheartens you as much as I do..
Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs
Alvins Abuya
Humhum Alhumhum
Humhum Alhumhum apologize to who
Hanaan Ghalib Salim
Hanaan Ghalib Salim Appologize to the citizens.
Like · Reply · 1 · 23 hrs
Dickson Muinde Nyamai
Dickson Muinde Nyamai We don't need your apologies it to KENYAN'S
Kiztivi Seven
Kiztivi Seven common sense is not very common as believed.Its very unfortunate that where people expect the highest point of responsibility is where they get the least and in extension the worse.How can you bring a County together with this kind of thinking?Shahbal ...See More
Ahmed Alwy
Ahmed Alwy I think shahbal , after all the research he's done, he came to one conclusion, there's no way you can beat team joho on the ballot in an open election, cos these odm guys always rig here in's that simple

So in order to bring change, we must first remove this rot with any means necessary.
...See More
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Ahmed Alwy
Ahmed Alwy I was there too on the ground in 2013, and the rigging was very open...very very open.
He took a case to court, and the judicial system was frustrated citing time issue.
So this time, let him serve them a taste of their own medicine.
Like · Reply · 1 · 9 hrs
Humhum Alhumhum
Humhum Alhumhum dawa ya moto ni moto
Like · Reply · 1 · 8 hrs
Stanley Mgenyi
Stanley Mgenyi I C C is watching,asije akasema aliambiwa na deputy aseme hivo...the clip is everywhere...this is very dangerous.

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