Saturday, December 26, 2015

Army of Islam{GazaStrip}

Why is this Militia named 'Army Of Islam'?Is This Acceptable In A religious Set Up?What of if all religions build such kind of an army,what can this world look like?Does the Holy books condone this?Be the Jury and the Judge.

Army of Islam (Arabic: جَيش الإسلام‎ Jaysh al-Islām) is the name used by the Doghmush Hamula (clan) for their Islamic militant activities.[1] It is located at the Tzabra neighborhood in the center of the Gaza Strip bordered by Israel and Egypt. The group has been designated as a terrorist organization by the UAE and the United States.[2]



The capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and the kidnapping of BBC reporter Alan Johnston, Army of Islam, which appears to draw inspiration from, or is linked to, al-Qaeda, have also conducted at least one bombing of a Palestinian civilian target (an empty school[3]) and a number of other kidnappings. The group had been previously closely related to Hamas, it has since been shunned by both Hamas and Fatah. The group has also been known as The Organization of al-Qaeda in Palestine and is linked to Abu Qatada, the British-based Palestinian-Jordanian extremist Sheikh who they demanded be released in exchange for Johnston.[4] It is involved with other Major Islamic Political Alliances.
On 3 November 2010 senior Army of Islam leader Mohammad Namnam was killed in a targeted killing when the car he was driving in Gaza City was hit by a missile fired from an Israeli military helicopter.[5] Israel killed Namnam after Egyptian authorities reportedly tipped-off Israel that Namnam was helping plan a future attack on multinational security forces in Sinai.[6] Following the November 3 air strike, the Israeli Air Force killed two other members of the group. Mohammed and Islam Yassif were killed in an air strike, fired from an unmanned drone, on 17 November 2010.[7] The attack, coordinated with Israeli security services, Shin Bet, came around dawn on a busy street in Gaza City, and cited the same security issues as that in the killing of Namnam.[8]

Kidnapping of Alan Johnston

In 2007 the group kidnapped the BBC correspondent Alan Johnston.[1][9] On June 25, 2007 a video was released by Army of Islam showing Johnston with an explosive belt around his waist,[10] with a demands for the release of Muslim prisoners in British custody. The group, which also kidnapped ten members of Hamas, had claimed that they would have killed him if there had been an attempt to rescue him by force. On July 4, 2007, after Gaza authorities arrested several members of Army of Islam including its spokesman, Abu Muthana,[11] and following threats of execution, Johnston was handed over to Hamas officials and released after 114 days in captivity.[12]

Alexandria bombing

The Army of Islam has been linked with the 2011 bombing of a Coptic church in Alexandria that resulted in 23 deaths. Egypt's Interior minister said on 23 January that evidence proved that the group planned and executed the attack. The group quickly denied responsibility, while also reportedly expressing support for the bombing.[13]


Jaysh al-Islam ex-leader Zahran Alloush gave a speech on the merits of Hajj in 2013 and praised Usama bin Laden, addressing him by the honorific "Sheikh" and the honorific "rahimahu Allah" for making Hajj around 91 or 92 when Alloush was at the Islamic University of Medina.[40] Alloush addressed the Al-Qaeda organization Jabhat al-Nusra as "our brothers", saying that "The summary of this issue is that we in Jaish Al-Islam praise our brothers of the Nusrah Front and we don't consider them Khawarij as is propagated against us, We fight alongside them and they fight alongside us".[41]
Alloush gave a speech during Ramadan of 2013 attacking Shia whom he called "Rafidis" and Alawites, whom he called "Nusayris" and the "Majus" (Zoroastrians), saying "the Mujahideen of Shaam will cleanse Shaam of the Filth of Rafidis & Rafidism, they will cleanse it for ever in sha Allah, till they will cleanse the land of Shaam of the filth of the Majoos (Fireworshippers) who fought the Religion of Allah the Almighty","the Shia are still despicable & pitiful though history", "And I give you the news, oh Filthy Rafidis: Just as Banu Umayya crushed your heads in the Past, the people of Ghouta & Shaam will crush them soon, They will make you taste a painful torment in this world, before Allah makes you taste it in the Hereafter, Oh you unclean Rafidis! You will collide into what you've never expected of Power from the Mujahideen of Islam".[42][43][44][45][46][47]
Alloush has called Shia, Alawites, and Iranians by the names "Rafidi", "Nusayri", and "Majusi" (Magi, a term in Arabic referring to Zoroastrians).[48]
Alloush said that Alawites are "more infidel than Jews and Christians." (أكفر من اليهود والنصارى), addressing the Alawites as "Nusayri" (النصيرية).[49] which was originally from a fatwa about Alawites issued by Ibn Taymiyyah.[50]
Alloush claimed that "Our nation has a great thirst for an Islamic state" and attacked democracy after an interviewer asked Alloush "Can you accept a civil, democratic, and pluralistic state".[51][52][53][54][55][56][57]
Zahran Alloush claimed that "The one who looks in the modern time sees that since the Jihad was established in the Islamic world from Afghanistan to Chechnya, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Africa, Iraq, Somalia and now Syria, the West deals with the Jihad with a double standard. First they want to use the Jihad to spread extremism then import the sons of the Islamic world to unite them under an ideology that makes the general Muslims hate the Religion".[58] Alloush also railed against social media.[59]
The former official Twitter account of Zahran Alloush zahran1970 which was suspended by twitter, sent out multiple direct messages calling people "soldier of the Nusayri Electronic Army" and "follower of the Jew ibn Saba'", and "enemy of Allah", along with the last portion of Quran verse 3:119 (قل موتوا بغيظكم إن الله عليم بذات الصدور) which tells people to die in rage and that Allah knows what is in their breasts.[60]
Jaysh al-Islam released a video glorifying the Umayyads and the conquest of the Levant by the Muslims.[61][62]
The Islamic Front criticized ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), saying: "They killed the people of Islam and leave the idol worshippers" (يقتلون أهل الإسلام ويدعون أهل الأوثان) and "They use the verses talking about the disbelievers and implement it on the Muslims" (ينزلون أيات نزلت في الكفار على المسلمين).[63]
Jaysh al-Islam released a video showing the execution of ISIS members and showed a Jaysh al-Islam Sharī'ah official named Shaykh Abu Abd ar-Rahman Ka'ka (الشيخ أبو عبد الرحمن كعكة) gave a speech condemning "those who want (ISIS) to achieve" (وما الذي يريدون أن يحققوه), as "of the Madhhab of the Khawarij" (إنه مذهب الخوارج), "madhhab of hypocrisy" (مذهب النفاق), "madhhab of Abdullah ibn Saba' the Jew, who are joined with those under the banner of the dogs of (hell) fire "( مذهب عبد الله بن سبأ اليهودي إنه الإنضمام تحت لواء كلاب أهل النار).[64]
Zahran Alloush gave a speech exhorting his fighters to fight against "the Magi and Rafidi enemies" whom he accused of trying to establish a "Magi state", and a "Persian state".[65][66]
In July 2015 Alloush accused "international forces" of waging a media war of jihadists such as his own Jaysh al-Islam.[67]
Zahran Alloush's official Facebook handle is zhran1970 and his twitter handles are zahranalloush and zahran1970 (suspended)

Notable incidents

Capture of sophisticated equipment

On 6 October 2012, Liwa al-Islam captured two 9K33 Osa SAM systems in Eastern Ghouta with at least 12 missiles total.[71] A video was posted on 29 July 2013, with it being used to shoot down a Syrian Mil Mi-8.[72] In November 2013, the group captured two training-jets (L-39s used by the government as jet fighters) from the Syrian Air Force and showed them on the runway.[73] But so far, they haven't been used in combat.

Role in Adra Massacre

Main article: Adra massacre
On 11 December 2013, Al-Nusra Front entered the industrial town of Adra and targeted minority civilians, killing at least 32 Alawites, Christians, Druze and Ismailites. Some were shot at point-blank range, while others were beheaded.[74] By 31 December, the Syrian state media outlet, SANA, reported that thousands of civilians had been evacuated from the town.[citation needed] Some unconfirmed reports have claimed Jaysh al-Islam fighters were involved in the massacre.[75]

Filmed execution of ISIL members

On 30 June 2015, Jaysh al-Islam's website published a 20-minute video that showed its fighters executing 18 alleged ISIL militants by shotgun. The video mimics the imagery that ISIL has used for similar filmed executions; however, it reversed the imagery by having the executioners wearing orange prisoner outfits and the victims being dressed in black robes. The video, which included some English subtitles, stated the killings were in revenge for recent beheadings of captured Jaysh al-Islam fighters by ISIL.[76][77]

Attack on Adra Prison

In August[78] and September, 2015, Jaysh al-Islam shelled and stormed Adra Prison. As of September 12, 2015, it had taken control of two buildings.[79][80]

Usage of caged captives as human shields

On November 1, 2015, an opposition media outlet, Shaam News Network, posted a video showing Jaysh al-Islam militants had locked people in cages and spread out 100 cages containing 7 captives through Eastern Ghouta, northeast of Damascus, to use them as human shields against Syrian government air raids.[81][82] According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the caged people being used as human shields were captured Alawite military officers and their families who had been kidnapped by Jaish al-Islam two years ago outside Adra al-Ummaliyah, a government-held neighbourhood in Eastern Ghouta.[83]

December 25 airstrike

On December 25, 2015, the group's founder Zahran Alloush was reportedly killed, along with several other leaders of the group, in Russian air strike on the suburbs of Damascus.[84]

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